Gas Treatment for a CHP facility at a paper mill in the UK.

For the Combined Heat and Power facility Eltacon Engineering BV delivers several gas treatment packages for installation upstream an SGT-800 Gas Turbine.
The gas turbine will deliver heat and power to the paper mill facility with a total electrical capacity of 75 megawatt. To operate the turbine in a correct, trouble free and high efficient way the upstream gas treatment systems from Eltacon are used to prepare the gas accordingly.
From the local grid, the fuel gas reaches the facility with fluctuating pressures between 15 and 38 bar. A Gas Receiving Station will filter the gas from any ingress coming from upstream piping and components. A flowmeter and gas chromatograph are foreseen to measure the amount and quality of the gas. The pressure of the fuel gas going forward will be limited to 31 bar by means of a pressure control system.
In case the gas pressure of the grid is in the range of 15-27 bar the downstream gas booster compressor will compress the gas to 31 bar. The booster will operate in a complete automatic mode, by means of a by-pass and automatic shut down in case boosting is not required. The reduction of operating hours of this system in case of sufficient pressure reduces power consumption of the complete facility and therewith reduction of carbon emissions.
In order to increase the efficiency of the Gas Turbine, the gas is filtered and heated up to 120°C at the final treatment system. Heating of the gas is by means of using hot water returning from the facility, making the combined cycle even more efficient.
By combining fuel gas filtration, required measurements, pressure limitation and automatic boosting, as well as performance heaters, the complete fuel gas treatment system from Eltacon Engineering BV contributes to a more efficient facility and provides a one-stop-shop for the client for their fuel gas treatment.
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