Eltacon Engineering BV

Oil & Gas

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Special design Filtration Units for UAE.

For a Gas Development project in the UAE, Eltacon delivered four units suitable for desert application with Oil&Gas standards. The site in the UAE has an ambient temperature of +48°C, offshore, in a very humid tropical environment. Because of the extreme environment, the unit was modified to comply with the site requirements. All gas wetted parts are foreseen with EN10204-3.2 material certificates. All flanges are with RTJ gaskets. The filtration unit is a 2×100% Coalescer filter system used upstream a Read more »

Thermal power station Compressor unit in Germany

The fuel gas compressor unit will deliver fuel gas to the heat and power gas turbine system for district heating.   To support the goal to be climate-neutral in 2035, Heizkraftwerk Nord has implemented a new gas turbine system for the district heating facilities in Bonn Germany, ready for future operation with Hydrogen.   The compressor unit will boost the pressure up to the required conditions of the turbine. A complete by-pass system is included in case the grid pressure Read more »

Natural Gas Conditioning Station for Germany

Eltacon engineered and manufactured a natural gas station for installation in Germany, designed and build according to the European regulations.   The natural gas conditioning station is installed at a power plant, upstream of a gas turbine. The gas is filtered and heated to the required temperature. Heating of the natural gas is done with hot water in a double tube heat exchanger.   The incoming gas is cleaned in a two stage knock-out coalescer filter. The second step is Read more »

Compressor units and treatment systems for decarbonizing power supply in Germany

Eltacon delivered the natural gas compressor units and downstream gas and hydrogen treatment systems to supply the conditioned fuel to the turbines.   To be independent of the existing coal fired power plants, a new natural gas (and in the future hydrogen) power plant with combined heat and power technology will be used for electricity and district heat for the city of Leipzig.   The compressor units will boost the pressure up to the required conditions of the SGT’s. A Read more »

Natural Gas Conditioning Stations for Germany

Eltacon engineered and manufactured three natural gas stations for Germany, designed and build according to the European regulations.   The three natural gas conditioning stations are installed to supply natural gas to gas turbines with HRSG boilers at a powerplant in Germany. The natural gas is filtered, heated, the flow rates are measured and the gas pressure is reduced to the correct pressures for the consumers.   At first the gas is cleaned by a common 2×100% two stage filter/separators, Read more »

Onshore gas booster compressor for barge-mounted power plant.

The Eltacon compressor unit provides fuel gas to the Estrella del Mar III project, which features a 145MW combined cycle power plant.   The SeaFloat barge-mounted power plant contains of 2x SGT-800 gas turbines (and a SST-600 steam turbine) and provides a mobile and flexible delivery of power at high efficiency in the Dominican Republic. The fuel gas will be provided from onshore LNG facilities. The current pressure is not sufficient for the barge and therefore requires additional gas boosting. Read more »

Gas Treatment for a CHP facility at a paper mill in the UK.

For the Combined Heat and Power facility Eltacon Engineering BV delivers several gas treatment packages for installation upstream an SGT-800 Gas Turbine.   The gas turbine will deliver heat and power to the paper mill facility with a total electrical capacity of 75 megawatt. To operate the turbine in a correct, trouble free and high efficient way the upstream gas treatment systems from Eltacon are used to prepare the gas accordingly.   From the local grid, the fuel gas reaches Read more »

Gas Treatment System for Kazakhstan.

Eltacon delivered a Gas Treatment System for Kazakhstan, suitable for cold environment and including TR CU certification   For gas treatment upstream two SGT-600’s, Eltacon manufactured complete units with gas filtration, electrical gas heating and pressure reduction with accumulator vessel. The skid based units are suitable for cold environments down to -38°C and are delivered with heat tracing, insulation, heated instrument enclosures as well as a weather protection roof.   The gas is filtered using a dual stage filtration system. Read more »

Fuel Gas Mixing Systems for LNG application in Russia

Eltacon engineered and manufactured two Fuel Gas Mixing Systems (FGMS) for the Vysotsk LNG plant in the Leningrad Region in Russia.   Each FGMS is used for gas treatment upstream a gas turbine. These turbines run on a mixture of three gases. Heavy Hydrocarbons removed during LNG production and Boil-Off Gas from LNG storage are mixed with the Natural Gas supply in order to increase the overall plant efficiency. The gas flow in each of the three feed lines can Read more »

Natural Gas Conditioning Station for Germany

Eltacon engineered and manufactured a natural gas station for installation in Germany, designed and build according to the European regulations.   The natural gas conditioning station is installed at a power plant, upstream of a gas turbine. The gas is filtered, measured, heated and reduced to the correct pressure. Heating of the gas is done with steam in a double tube safety heat exchanger. During  start-up of the combined cycle gas turbine the gas is pre-heated with an electrical heater. Read more »

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